Senior Fit stands for Health & Longevity
Functionality - Independence - Livability - Well Being & Vitality - Experiences
Invest into your health and well being. Physical exercise, adequate nutrition and other lifestyle adjustments are the keys to an enjoyable & high quality life, as you age. Invest in your health, like you do in a retirement plan. This way you can fully relish your retirement time, be independent by staying on your own feet at your home, play and be active with your grand children, travel the world with friends and family, and just feel great about yourself.
START NOW, because:
Physical functioning is the key to your health and quality living
Aging in a sedentary lifestyle leads to loss in strength, functionality, frailty & dependence
Significantly reduce costs for health care , by investing in your health and longevity today
What is Senior Fit?
Senior Fit is an IN-HOME Personal Training Service. We are coming to your home and delivering a highly exclusive and effective exercise program, specifically tailored to your needs and circumstances. We are complementing your training routine, with nutritional guidance and necessary lifestyle adjustments, in order to generate the most effective program for your health & well being.
The list of scientific research, supporting the tremendous benefits of training and appropriate eating for elderly people, is long and profound. Some might be surprised, but seniors are still responding very well to training: with the right training regime, you can expect an increase in your strength and muscle mass, cardiovascular fitness, as well as mobility of your joints and improved balance. Daily tasks will become more manageable, by moving more joyfully and less painfully. In addition you can reduce the risk for aging related diseases, such as metabolic and mental diseases, heart attack, stroke, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, cancer, dementia & alzheimer disease, depression, anxiety, insomnia and bed fastness due to fall related bone fractures.
With Senior Fit, we are striving in achieving the following goals:
Prevention and reduction of aging, sedentary and inappropriate lifestyle related disease
Improvement/Obtaining of independence
Better quality of living
Weight Management: enhancing body composition
Regaining the feeling of Assurance/Safety: building inner confidence
Boost performance and gaining confidence, self value & self reliance
What will your experience, working with me, look like?
After your initial consultation, including in depth assessment of your history, medical background, lifestyle and nutrition status, we will build a highly individualized program design, specifically tailored to your needs, goals and living situation.
From the very beginning, everything will happen according to your pace, abilities and current situation. One because I don't want to overwhelm you but on the other hand, I also don't want to demand too little from you. Therefore, good communication between us will be ongoing, because it is the key to a successful collaboration and the results you will get. Gradually, we will increase the intensity and volume of your training, depending on your individual progress and how you feel. Weekly evaluation of your well being and performance are part of the process, and will be taken into consideration of how each training session is structured.
The main components of your training will be:
Whole body strength training routine, prioritizing lower body strength for fall prevention, maintaining sovereignty and functionality
A degree of endurance training for improving cardiovascular health and fitness, that will lead to improved energy and increased stamina, for safely managing daily activities
Task related proprioceptive training to increase your balance & sensory perception
Mobilization of all body parts, in order to improve range of motion for your muscles & joints, as well as, to sustain and improve functionality
What differentiates me from other coaches and why you should work with me?
Working with me, you will find yourself in the trusting hands of a professional expert, in the field of medical fitness. You will benefit from working with a caring coach, who knows about the specific needs of seniors and attains to each individual's situation. With my educational background, experience and training in functional medicine, sport, exercise and health science, I have a great understanding about the needs of people, at the different stages of life: from a physiological (physical exercise, nutrition, sleep, digestion), social, cognitive and emotional perspective. By working with me, you have an expert on your side, who fully understands your medical conditions, concerns, environment and how to work with them, so you can get the most benefit from each and every session.
Moreover, you will also benefit from my close network of health care providers and have direct access to: New York's best primary care physicians and functional medicine practitioners. So act NOW, by clicking on the button below, for your complimentary consultation.